
Humans need to gather and share,
To experience their togetherness.
All collectives have rituals and traditions.
Some inherited, some created,
All infused with the soul:
Without it, it remains just an empty cloth
Collecting dusty thoughts.
Traditions are a transmission
Of gates and tools
Towards a sense of communion.
So many forms and colors,
So many ways to share a sense of direction,
An untold meaning.
That unfolds in a powerful burst of Joy,
Or in the solemnity of beauty and tragedy.
Traditions may just be an excuse to meet,
And that’s fine, then their purpose is filled.
But too many fell under the grip of consumerism
While some got rotten in the mud of conventions.
Life is alive,
So should traditions be!
We don’t care for dead rituals,
We care for the Primordial Tradition:
The paths toward enlightenment and inner peace,
The gates of the new life, here, now,
Like we’ve always been told,
Deep down in our cells, in our souls.
Our bodies should not be a jail,
But a learning vehicle.
Its expiry date is an indication of its function.
There is not much to take away from Matter,
But an experience of love and fear,
Of Joy and sadness,
Madness and wisdom,
Emptiness and bliss.
Many traditions can help us on the way.
Many can lure us down a wrong path
With their shiny patterns, fancy mottos, and cheering crowds.
The same path may help one of us and lose the other.
Each one his own way,
That’s how we should meet.
Each one his own relation to traditions,
That’s how we celebrate.

ML (2024)


We are small bipeds
Walking on a rock
Soaring through space.
We live a very short time,
But still find ways
To hate one another.
Always a good reason
To kill one other.
‘’God gave me a vision
To fight and murder,’’
‘’I want peace for all
And will fight wars until I succeed.’’
‘’ Let’s end all oppression
Under my mighty rule.’’
‘’Look at him,
He has the wrong color.’’
‘’Look at her,
She has the wrong values.’’
‘’There would be peace
If only they would all listen to me.’’
So many words
And so little meaning…
Truth may set you free,
But it’s a lonely road.
If ever you find anything,
It won’t be words or ideas,
But a strong inner peace.
It won’t be anything you can share,
But a lesson to never judge.
No matter your ideas or religion.
No one’s right,
No one’s wrong.
Truth is a light
Coming from the depths of the Universe,
The depths of yourself.
It is engraved in your cells
And may enlighten all your thoughts
From the deepest ones
To the most trivial ones.
Truth is a light
Burning all that is illusion
It makes it simple and clear to see
We are small bipeds
Walking on a rock
Soaring through space.
We are the Universe
Walking in a human body
To experience Time and Matter.

ML (2024)

La Voie de l’Ange

La Vie est une initiation,
A nous d’en prendre la leçon.
C’est un chemin d’unification
Entre l’Amour et la raison.
Subtiliser le dense,
Densifier le subtil,
Pour transmuter l’Or vulgaire
En Or vivant, en Or pur.
Ouvrir les sept portes,
Briser les sept sceaux.
Lever les sept voiles,
Purifier les sept métaux.
Multiplier les échos
Sur la Voie.
Au-delà du faux,
Dévoiler notre Voix.
La Voix de l’Ange,
La Voie de l’Esprit.
La Voix qui dérange
Et transforme nos Vies.

ML (2024)

Enjoy the Labyrinth

Running through the labyrinth,
We may pass walls,
And bump into illusions.
We may find new windows,
And get a glimpse of the exit.
Sometimes a vision from above
Reveals the right direction.
The soul knows the way,
But the mind can’t see that far.
It is too sensitive to walls:
It gets easily hurt or lost,
It easily creates new walls,
New ways leading to new dead-ends.
We can’t escape the labyrinth,
We are the labyrinth.
We may encompass its reality,
And its relativity,
We may see beyond,
Live beyond,
Yet we remain within.
We are a spirit in a body,
A creator in a matrix.
We are the walls
And the exits.
We are the means
And the obstacles.
Living in a maze,
We experience a mess.
Embracing its beauty,
Its complexity,
And harmony,
We experience reality.

ML (2024)


Je travaille l’humus de ma plume,
Je fourrage, je hume,
Et je retourne la masse…
Je bataille dans le vide,
Je fulmine, je hurle,
Et je me tais en mes mots.
Enfin, quelque chose transperce.
Une graine passée inaperçue.
Ca tremble, ça perce,
Et ça s’élève…
Vers le soleil, vers la lumière,
C’est ainsi que toute chose grandit.
Je me laisse surprendre,
Il est tant à apprendre.
Les branches se multiplient
En ramifications subtiles,
Avant que fleurs et fruits
Ne couronnent le travail.
La grâce des accomplissements,
Qui se fanent et se décomposent
Pour s’en retourner à la terre,
Toujours plus riche,
Mêlée de nouvelles molécules.
Le mycélium tisse en profondeur
Le tableau d’une Vie infinie.
L’humus de la Terre
Comme celui de l’éther,
Portent la vie à venir.
De la Matière à l’invisible,
Un même mouvement de prière
Adressée à l’astre invincible.

ML (2024)

Walking the Talk

Enjoying a random talk
Is like going for a walk:
Full of surprises
Or full of nothing.
Up to us,
How we live, how we listen,
How we look around,
How we open within.

Very nice to meet you!
I don’t know your name,
I don’t know where you’re from,
But you said you are happy,
And this is good to hear.
This is the treasure you keep.
Thank you for sharing.

Let’s open to one another,
And let the precious wind of Life
Blow through us its wonders.
Each talk is a gift,
Each walk is a gem.
Our breeze, a treasure
Slowly burning,
Consuming until we’re alive,
Burning beyond death.

The fire is eternal,
It’s now we light it up,
It’s now we feed it,
It’s now we share it.
The fire is our soul
And with cold comes death:
The winter of Love
The doom of Life.

ML (2024)

A Nice Day

Today my car broke down,
Kids got sick,
And work sucked,
But it was a nice day.
Step by step,
Digesting one frustration
After another,
Love is stronger.
All troubles burning in a fire,
It feels warm,
I’m alive.
I can steer my thoughts,
It feels good.
From a mountain,
I make a river.
From a pile of shit,
I make a flower.
If you ever speak about Love and Joy,
Better have a sample with you.
There is a flowing way,
But no lie comes through.
Today was a nice day,
I learned a lot.
I know it’s my choice
To give in to my higher Self.

ML (2023)

Un Rêve pour la Route

Allez patron,
Sers-moi un rêve,
C’est ma tournée !
Laisse donc ton zinc s’envoler,
Je pars avec toi
Sur les cimes de l’ivresse.
Pas de pitié pour les tièdes,
Nous voulons des entièretés !
Allez patron,
Montre-moi la beauté des femmes,
La beauté des flammes,
Montre-moi ton âme !
Tu as absorbé tant de vécus,
Montre un peu ce que tu as bu !

Allez patron,
Un dernier rêve,
Pour tenir le coup avant la trêve.
Remplis bien toutes les coupes
Et trinquons à notre route.
Il est temps de partir,
La nuit est déjà bien avancée.
Nous sommes à l’heure des loups
Et les humains sortent à peine du bois.
La nuit effraie,
Et le froid engourdit les âmes.
Allez patron,
Donne-nous ton feu
En attendant l’aube,
Quelques flambeaux
Pour atteindre la lisière,
Avant d’enfin saluer l’astre solaire.
Merci patron,
Ton accueil vaut bien ta boisson
Et nos écueils
N’empêcheront pas nos moissons.

ML (2024)

Promised Land

Please, Israel,
Be the land flowing with milk and honey,
Not the land of blood and insanity.

The promised land is in your heart,
Not in the dirt, not on this earth.
Zion is for all humans,
Not a private club for criminals.
The Bible is not a property title,
But an invitation to meditate.

You let the serpent take over your land,
Allowing a tragedy to unfold over decades.
Former victims of horrendous executioners,
You became, yourselves, the tormentors.
Palestinians are your brothers,
For we are all ONE or none.

Messengers of angels are rotting in your jails,
Their only crime being to raise a voice for peace.
Servants of the serpent parade in your streets,
Forging your thoughts, occupying your TVs.
By justifying division and murders,
They took over your souls.

Israel is in the heart of all God’s servants.
No matter where they were born,
No matter their skin color,
No matter their religion.
An eye for eye is a symbol
Of our Union as one Humanity.
It is not a guide for vengeance,
But an invitation to fraternity.

The blood you spill
Flows into your hears.
It makes you deaf to justice,
Ignorant of Love,
Resisting forgiveness.
It is drowning your souls.

Where is Mikhael?
Who will call the dragon’s slayer,
And let the olive branch sway in the wind,
Above a truly holy land?
A land of justice
Where all humans can live with no fear.
A land of grace,
Where children can laugh and play.
A land of peace,
Where all humans can dream and pray.

Our bodies will all die one day,
But not all of us will die alive!
Our soul is the only thing to find on this Earth,
And it is also the only thing to lose…

ML (2023)


L’espèce manque de légèreté.
Partout du béton, du goudron,
Des cris et des colères.
Combien tu pèses ?
Est-ce que tu fais le poids ?
Partout l’emprunte cruelle,
La morsure des abus…
On veut du lourd, le poids des mots,
Le choc des idiots…

Eclosion impromptue
Renouvelée chaque journée…
Un peu de légèreté,
Dès que l’on retrouve le miracle,
Que l’on renoue avec les oracles.
Sentir le chemin pousser,
Laisser germer les diamants de l’Unité…
Par amour, en conscience, le grand saut,
L’élan vers l’instant enchanté,
La Vie réactualisée…
Libération des pesanteurs quotidiennes :
Transpercer le fil des idées et des pensées
Pour s’unir aux chants de l’éternité.

ML (2023)