
Humans need to gather and share,
To experience their togetherness.
All collectives have rituals and traditions.
Some inherited, some created,
All infused with the soul:
Without it, it remains just an empty cloth
Collecting dusty thoughts.
Traditions are a transmission
Of gates and tools
Towards a sense of communion.
So many forms and colors,
So many ways to share a sense of direction,
An untold meaning.
That unfolds in a powerful burst of Joy,
Or in the solemnity of beauty and tragedy.
Traditions may just be an excuse to meet,
And that’s fine, then their purpose is filled.
But too many fell under the grip of consumerism
While some got rotten in the mud of conventions.
Life is alive,
So should traditions be!
We don’t care for dead rituals,
We care for the Primordial Tradition:
The paths toward enlightenment and inner peace,
The gates of the new life, here, now,
Like we’ve always been told,
Deep down in our cells, in our souls.
Our bodies should not be a jail,
But a learning vehicle.
Its expiry date is an indication of its function.
There is not much to take away from Matter,
But an experience of love and fear,
Of Joy and sadness,
Madness and wisdom,
Emptiness and bliss.
Many traditions can help us on the way.
Many can lure us down a wrong path
With their shiny patterns, fancy mottos, and cheering crowds.
The same path may help one of us and lose the other.
Each one his own way,
That’s how we should meet.
Each one his own relation to traditions,
That’s how we celebrate.

ML (2024)

Let’s Unite!

Feminism is needed,
But should not exist.
Humanism would be enough
If we were a conscious species.
Each of us would balance
Our feminine and masculine part,
Each of us would fight
Together for a better path.
If we want to escape extinction
We need better cooperation.
But who really cares for one another?
Who gets inspired by the Great Mother?
Nature and beyond,
Our origin…
The direction is Unknown,
Yet it’s developing and enveloping our beings.
The sea of the Times,
Mother of all Life.
Witches from the seas,
Healers from the trees,
Let’s unite.
Wizards from the clouds,
Shamans from the Earth,
Let’s unite.
We are One together
And none when separated,
Scattered alone,
Unique together…
United as One,
Complete as many.

ML (2023)

Show Respect!

I welcome spring in all my cells.
Winter is fading away,
Life is blossoming,
And death is at the corner.
We ate our Earth,
Like a chrysalis.
A metamorphosis
May be at stake.
May we all see It already.
For it is here, now,
That we eat our last pieces.
We are fat and heavy
As a civilization,
We need harmony
To overcome destruction.
I welcome spring
And the intelligence of nature:
The nature we are made of,
The intelligence we are made of.
Show respect for yourself!
You are the trees and the mountains,
You are the stars and the seas,
You are!
Show respect for yourself!
It means a bond with the whole,
It means you give up the throne
For a kingdom of empathy,
Life in its stunning simplicity.

ML (2023)


We are the infinite
Incarnated in a mortal body.
Here is our slavery,
Imposed on others,
When we try to find the unlimited in the matter.
A never-ending thirst for power and possessions,
A continuous race full of loss and frustrations.
Chains within and chains without
Entangled in the same knot.
Only within can we meet the infinite
And quench our thirst.
All slavery experienced as unbearable,
But a release made visible.
Only a fool would pretend to be free,
Ignoring the bounds of his own limitations.
But all is open
To let the wind come through freely.
We don’t create the wind,
We can’t make it come,
But we are born from the wind.
It knows its way through us.
Let it grow and blow away all oppression and slavery,
Break the chains, abolish idiocracy,
Make us free from power and fear.
Our infinity finally unleashed in reality,
We will be free and united as one humanity.

ML (2023)


Sometimes you feel like entering legends,
As you get charmed by their hidden lines.
Sometimes you just feel the absurdity
Of your own condition,
So blind you can’t see behind words anymore.
Legends talk to our souls.
Well told, they unlock our minds.
Inner connection to archetypical stories.
Somewhere in a dark wood,
A wolf, a witch, or a dwarf,
Will certainly help you face yourself…
Your own initiation
In this land of promises…
A mirroring vision of your own story.
There is as much truth in legends
As in the eyes and ears receiving them.
They call for the child in us
To remain vigilant
Towards the human we become,
Unfolding his own legend.

ML (2023)