Promised Land

Please, Israel,
Be the land flowing with milk and honey,
Not the land of blood and insanity.

The promised land is in your heart,
Not in the dirt, not on this earth.
Zion is for all humans,
Not a private club for criminals.
The Bible is not a property title,
But an invitation to meditate.

You let the serpent take over your land,
Allowing a tragedy to unfold over decades.
Former victims of horrendous executioners,
You became, yourselves, the tormentors.
Palestinians are your brothers,
For we are all ONE or none.

Messengers of angels are rotting in your jails,
Their only crime being to raise a voice for peace.
Servants of the serpent parade in your streets,
Forging your thoughts, occupying your TVs.
By justifying division and murders,
They took over your souls.

Israel is in the heart of all God’s servants.
No matter where they were born,
No matter their skin color,
No matter their religion.
An eye for eye is a symbol
Of our Union as one Humanity.
It is not a guide for vengeance,
But an invitation to fraternity.

The blood you spill
Flows into your hears.
It makes you deaf to justice,
Ignorant of Love,
Resisting forgiveness.
It is drowning your souls.

Where is Mikhael?
Who will call the dragon’s slayer,
And let the olive branch sway in the wind,
Above a truly holy land?
A land of justice
Where all humans can live with no fear.
A land of grace,
Where children can laugh and play.
A land of peace,
Where all humans can dream and pray.

Our bodies will all die one day,
But not all of us will die alive!
Our soul is the only thing to find on this Earth,
And it is also the only thing to lose…

ML (2023)


L’espèce manque de légèreté.
Partout du béton, du goudron,
Des cris et des colères.
Combien tu pèses ?
Est-ce que tu fais le poids ?
Partout l’emprunte cruelle,
La morsure des abus…
On veut du lourd, le poids des mots,
Le choc des idiots…

Eclosion impromptue
Renouvelée chaque journée…
Un peu de légèreté,
Dès que l’on retrouve le miracle,
Que l’on renoue avec les oracles.
Sentir le chemin pousser,
Laisser germer les diamants de l’Unité…
Par amour, en conscience, le grand saut,
L’élan vers l’instant enchanté,
La Vie réactualisée…
Libération des pesanteurs quotidiennes :
Transpercer le fil des idées et des pensées
Pour s’unir aux chants de l’éternité.

ML (2023)

Ce Qui Nous Lie

Il faut aimer ce qui nous lie
Et comprendre ce qui nous sépare.
Nous émanons du même Infini,
Chacun différent dès le départ.
Nous sommes des entièretés
D’une complexité extrême.
Impossible en cela de juger
Sans se tromper soi-même.
Les lois sont nécessaires
A la Cité sans sagesse,
Mais elles sont transitoires
Pour tendre à la justesse.
Sans pardon,
La justice est illusion.
Pardonner à la Vie, à la Mort,
A l’absurde de notre condition.
Ouvrir notre âme à l’Amour
Et se laisser inonder par le pardon.
Eveil de l’Intelligence,
En-deçà de l’illusion.
Nous savons tout par essence,
Mais le Néant habite nos passions.
On prétend contrôler l’Impermanent
Au lieu d’en vivre la Vision.
Aussi ne peut-on s’empêcher
De tout séparer, peser, couper,
Mesurer, délimiter, juger…
Mais la seule âme que nous puissions peser
Est la nôtre.
A nous d’y accéder,
De nous ouvrir à l’Autre
Pour être enfin habités
Par la conscience de Soi.
Il faut aimer ce qui nous lie
Pour tisser nos consciences,
Pardonner ce que l’on n’a pas compris
Pur embrasser la délivrance.

ML (2023)

Words Are Blurry

It’s already night,
And the sun is shining.
Within my heart,
It is burning.
Walking the streets of my thoughts,
I encounter strangers.
Some were lost, some were nuts.
Some were fun, and some were saints.
Once on the Avenue of Matter,
I met some bodies.
Some familiar, some unknown…
Mostly smiling
From the ones I looked at.
As if guided by an inner radar,
Pointing me where to look,
When to escape,
When to stay, and when to talk.
It’s already dark,
And my words are getting blurry,
While my eyes get sharper.
I’m looking at you with my words,
And I hear the echo.
I tune in to the stream of your words,
And then I know.
It’s not you,
It’s not me,
It’s more than us.
I see It,
But can’t say it.
The vision is so sharp,
And words are too blurry.

ML (2023)


I could see it looming over the city.
A powerful rock,
A Giant sleeping,
Longing for the release of its furry.
But it’s simply a mountain,
Just a hill like any other…

Then I climbed its rocky trails to the top,
Here I was,
Contemplating the mouth of the Earth,
Ready to spit more blood.
But it’s just a hole…
I could feel the power that pierced through the rocks,
Sculpting each layer in a powerful burst.
Yeah, the hole is kind of regular,
But it’s just a rocky hole…

Breathing deep,
I saw an eagle flying on the horizon,
From here, it could as well be a pigeon…
I took off with it,
Smelling the breath of the volcano.
It’s more like sulfur, salpeter,
It stinks anyhow…

I felt the Earth trembling,
Here it was, awakening.
You look strange, my friend,
Maybe we should climb down?

No, let’s keep on climbing up,
I feel It.
But we’re at the top!
Let’s climb with our thoughts,
It’s just the beginning!
Let the lava of Life burst through us.
No, I’m ok, better to walk down.
Ok, fine.
I said goodbye to the sleeping Giant,
Hoping next time, I would not climb alone…
But I was with you!
Oh, really? Were you?
Yes, I was…

ML (2023)


Par la beauté de l’eau,
J’invoque ta fluidité.
Par la douceur du vent,
J’invoque ta bonté.
Par la chaleur du soleil,
J’invoque ton rayonnement.
Par tes odeurs qui enivrent,
J’invoque ton essence.
O Toi, Vie, Dieu, Source,
Tu te moques des mots,
Des concepts et des louanges.
Seul l’Amour profond
Peut te toucher, t’embrasser.
C’est la clé sertie en nos cœurs
Pour nous libérer de l’erreur.

ML (2023)

Be Kind

One day at the time,
Living the experience.
Each day so different,
A new place, time, and space.
Even repetition is always else:
Another weather,
Another encounter…
So many things to see
And listen to, all around…
It’s so much to take in for our senses,
That we seem numbed by essence.
It’s like a tool for survival,
Not to die from bliss.
A tool becoming and ending,
We know that story.
We keep confusing goals and means,
Maybe the goal is just not to be mean.
Show kindness to yourself,
It will uplift your senses.
Experience kindness with others,
You will enter new realms.
That’s what it takes to be free
From alienation.
No dogma, no ideology, no theory,
Can break through kindness…
No division,
But a strong Will for cooperation,
An opening towards the whole Universe.
If the Universe is a too big thing for you,
Too abstract,
If you don’t see the Universe is You,
Please be more kind to yourself.
You are the Universe,
And it’s a fantastic experience…
Be kind and let cynicism burn with your encounter.
Be kind, let yourself be overtaken by the Wonder.

ML (2023)

Riding a Cloud

I’m riding a cloud
Somewhere across the void.
I breeze through the steam
As I walk up.
I see the dream
As I wake up.
No birds around,
There is something wrong.
Where are you all,
What are you waiting for?
I almost can’t see you anymore…
I will try and draw a door
To leave it open for you.
But I know that only your own
Will let you pass through.
I wish I could share mine,
But I don’t know how…
We are so different in our unity.
Uniformity leads to war and domination,
Life is about diversity and cooperation,
Its opposite is a call for destruction.
We belong to the same species,
But to different stories.
We belong to the same planet
But we’ve all got our own rules,
Echoing the eternal source of Life.
I’m now behind the clouds
And I know it won’t be long
Before we meet Love or Doom.

ML (2023)

My Country

My country has no flag,
It has arms and eyes.
My country has no border,
It has laughter and cries.
The rule of my country is Love.
And there,
Mistakes call for forgiveness.
My country is my family,
My friends, my neighbors,
My country is real.
It wages no war,
But tries to spread peace.
My country feels Home,
And everyone is welcome!

ML (2023)

Le Graal

La force qui m’anime
Est la non-puissance.
Au service de la Vie,
Trouver la délivrance.
Ma faiblesse
Est mon manque de courage
Et de constance.
Ma tendresse
Comble ces lacunes
Par les vents de la conscience.
A l’écoute,
Je me laisse traverser.
Le doute
Enchante mon acuité.
A l’aise,
Je nage dans le Néant.
Je sens l’Amour
Vibrer à travers les éléments.
Je suis droit,
Je me sais vain
Et miraculeux.
Je bois le Vin
Des Bienheureux.
Enfin, j’ai trouvé la coupe,
Le Graal des Infinis.
J’embrasse l’Univers sur ma route.
Je le laisse m’offrir ma Vie…

ML (2023)